At ETS, our main priority is to keep workers safe. By closely following OSHA guidelines, we do that while keeping your company compliant. It turns out doing the right thing comes with a lot of other benefits as well:

  • Enhanced Safety: Qualified maintenance workers have received proper training in electrical safety procedures, including how to de-energize equipment, use personal protective equipment (PPE), and follow lockout/tagout protocols. This knowledge reduces the risk of electrical accidents, such as shocks, arc flashes, and electrocutions, making the workplace safer for all employees.
  • Reduced Risk of Damage: Qualified workers are more likely to correctly diagnose and repair electrical issues, minimizing the risk of causing further damage to equipment. This reduces downtime and repair costs in the long run.

  • Compliance with Regulations: Many regions have strict regulations and standards governing electrical work in industrial and commercial settings. Having qualified workers ensures that your organization complies with these regulations, avoiding legal and financial penalties.

  • Increased Equipment Reliability: Properly maintained electrical systems tend to be more reliable, leading to fewer unexpected breakdowns and disruptions to production. This improves overall operational efficiency.

  • Energy Efficiency: Qualified workers can identify and address energy inefficiencies in electrical systems. This can result in cost savings through reduced energy consumption.

  • Quick Problem Resolution: Qualified maintenance workers are trained to troubleshoot electrical issues systematically. They can quickly identify the root causes of problems and implement effective solutions, minimizing downtime.

  • Extended Equipment Lifespan: Proper maintenance by qualified personnel can extend the lifespan of electrical equipment and components, reducing the need for frequent replacements and saving on capital expenditures.

  • Insurance Benefits: Some insurance providers offer lower premiums to organizations that employ qualified maintenance workers because they are seen as a lower risk for electrical-related incidents.

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your maintenance team is qualified to handle electrical work provides peace of mind for both management and employees. It instills confidence that safety and operational standards are being met.

  • Training Opportunities: Investing in the qualification of maintenance workers can open up opportunities for ongoing training and skill development. This can lead to a more versatile and adaptable workforce.

Final Thoughts…

In summary, having maintenance workers who are qualified to work on electric-powered equipment and systems is essential for safety, compliance, cost-efficiency and overall operational effectiveness. Creates a more valuable and competent workforce. It not only reduces risks but also contributes to a more reliable and productive work environment.

At ETS, you can get your workers qualified in just four days!